29 September 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Science 10  |  P.A.R.T.Y.

There will be no class today as all grade 10 students will be away at the P.A.R.T.Y. Program at City Hospital.  Please report to your period one class for attendance.


Environmental Science 20 |  Biological Classification

Students will continue the Classification Lab.

Due:  TBD

Science 10A  |  P.A.R.T.Y.

There will be no class today as all grade 10 students will be away at the P.A.R.T.Y. Program at City Hospital.

26 September 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Science 10  |  Graphing Motion Scenarios

Students will become familiar with the concept of graphing motion events by completing this assignment.  Students will work in small groups.  

The completed assignment will be submitted on Wednesday, October 1st.


Environmental Science 20 |  Brightwater Ethnobotany Field Experience

The bus for Brightwater will leave from the Avenue H Gymnasium Doors at 10:00 am.  Students will return to Bedford Road at 12:30 pm.

Signed permission forms must be returned before students board the bus.

During this field experience, each student will locate the plant that they researched on Friday and lead a field discussion on the traditional human uses of that plant.

Brightwater Ethnobotany Inquiry
Brightwater Seasonal Plant List
Saskatchewan Plant Guide


Science 10A  |  Balloon Car Follow Up

Students will use their previous Balloon Car Experience to become familiar with Graphing and Free Body Diagrams.

Assignment:  Balloon Car Follow Up

To gain knowledge about Forces and Free Body Diagrams, students may use the following resources:

Types of Forces
Drawing Free Body Diagrams

Friday, September 26, 2014

Science 10  |  Speed Trap Lab

I will allow one final day to complete the Formal Lab Write Up.
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab

This lab is due today.


Environmental Science 20 |  Ethnobotany Inquiry

In preparation for our second Brightwater Experience scheduled for Monday, September 29, 2014, students will complete an Ethnobotany Inquiry related to the native and invasive plants of the Brightwater area.  Each student will research one plant which has been utilized by humans.  On Monday, each student will find their selected plant at the Brightwater site and lead the group in a brief discussion about that plant.

Saskatchewan Plant Guide

Signed permission forms must be returned before students board the bus on Monday.


Science 10A  |  Speed Trap Lab

I will allow one final day to complete the Formal Lab Write Up.
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab

This lab is due today.

24 September 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Science 10  |  Speed Trap Lab

I introduced this lab on Monday.  Today I will allow class time to complete the formal lab write up.
Formal Lab Write Up
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab

This lab will be due on Friday, September 26, 2014.


Environmental Science 20 |  Biological Classification

Students will continue the Classification Lab.

Due:  TBD

Also, I have tentatively set up another Brightwater Experience for Monday, September 29, 2014.  Students would leave at 10:00 am and return to Bedford Road at 12:30 pm.  Signed permission forms must be returned before students board the bus.


Science 10A  |  Speed Trap Lab

I introduced this lab on Monday.  Today I will allow class time to complete the formal lab write up.
Formal Lab Write Up
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab

This lab will be due on Friday, September 26, 2014.

23 September 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Science 10  |  Speed Trap Lab

I introduced this lab on Monday.  Today I will allow class time to analyze data and start the formal lab write up.

Formal Lab Write Up
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab

This lab will be due on Friday, September 26, 2014.


Environmental Science 20 |  Biological Classification

I will complete my description of the 
The Six Kingdoms of biological classification.  When I am done, I will introduce the Classification Lab.


Science 10A  |  Speed Trap Lab

I introduced this lab on Monday.  Today I will allow class time to analyze data and start the formal lab write up.  Students groups may also choose to collect another data set if they feel the data collected yesterday was invalid.

Formal Lab Write Up
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab

This lab will be due on Friday, September 26, 2014.

22 September 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Science 10  |  Speed Trap Lab

Yesterday, I gave a question that I asked the students to solve.  The groups will have completed the pre-lab portion of the scientific method .  Today, the groups will collect data.

Formal Lab Write Up
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab


Environmental Science 20 |  Classification of Life

I will describe the current system of Biological Classification using the following digital presentations:

The Classification of Life
The Six Kingdoms


Science 10A  |  Speed Trap Lab

Yesterday, I gave a question that I asked the students to solve.  The groups will have completed the pre-lab portion of the scientific method .  Today, the groups will collect data.

Formal Lab Write Up
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab

19 September 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Science 10  |  Speed Trap Lab

What percentage of cars are speeding in the school zone surrounding Bedford Road Collegiate in a 10 minute time period.

In groups of three or four, the class will use the scientific method to answer this problem.  Today, groups will formulate a procedure to follow to answer this problem.  Tomorrow, the groups will go outdoors to collect data.  Once data is compiled, the class will go back to the classroom to analyze the data and start the formal lab write up.

Formal Lab Write Up
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab


Environmental Science 20 |  Island Green

On Monday, October 6th, the class will take part in a National Film Board Virtual Classroom titled, Our Food Systems - Are You Hungry for Change?.   This virtual experience will enable 
Canadian students to get together and talk about the impact that modern food systems might be having on our health, land and food security.

Environmentalist and broadcaster Dr. David Suzuki will be joined by J.B. MacKinnon, Utcha Sawyers, and Tanya Davis, whose compelling poem appears in the NFB film Island Green, a look at conventional and organic farming on Prince Edward Island.

Today, to prepare for this experience, students will watch the film Island Green.  After watching the film, students will have a chance to prepare and submit challenging questions for David, J. B. and Utcha.  A select group of students from across Canada will be chosen to ask their questions directly to the panel during the live virtual classroom event. 

Earthworm Dissection:  Due Today


Science 10A  |  Speed Trap Lab

What percentage of cars are speeding in the school zone surrounding Bedford Road Collegiate in a 10 minute time period.

In groups of three or four, the class will use the scientific method to answer this problem.  Today, groups will formulate a procedure to follow to answer this problem.  Tomorrow, the groups will go outdoors to collect data.  Once data is compiled, the class will go back to the classroom to analyze the data and start the formal lab write up.

Formal Lab Write Up
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab

18 September 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Today's Schedule is Special X due to the Pep Rally:

Period One     8:50 am to 9:35 am
Period Two     9:40 am to 10:30 am
Period Three  10:40 am to 11:25 am
Pep Rally       11:25 am to 12:20 pm
Period Four    1:10 pm to 2:15 pm
Period Five     2:20 pm to 3:25 pm


Science 10  |  Cleanup Day

Students will be given time to complete the Speed, Time, Distance Questions that were due earlier this week.  If a student has completed the questions, they may either act as a peer teacher for other students or work on tasks from other classes.

Answers:  Speed, Time, Distance Questions


Environmental Science 20 |  Cleanup Day

Students will be allowed time to complete assignments that have not been submitted.  Options include:

1.  Earthworm Dissection Write Up
2.  Book Review:  "There's a Hair in My Dirt"
3.  Questions: "Back to the Future" Lecture

If a student has completed all assignment, they may act as a peer teacher for other students or work on tasks from other classes.

Earthworm Dissection:  Due Monday


Science 10A  |  Balloon Car Race

Race Day!

17 September 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Science 10  |  Balloon Car Races

Today is Race Day!

Course Record:  0.91 seconds (June 2014") "Nessy"


Environmental Science 20 |  Earthworm Dissection:  Post Lab

Students will be given time to complete the Earthworm Dissection post lab.  Also, students will take the Dissection Spot Test.


Science 10A  |  Balloon Car Races

Final test day. 

16 September 2014

Environmental Science 20 | Brightwater

My Environmental Science 20 class will travel to Brightwater today to study the unique ecology of the area.  Parental Consent Forms must be signed and submitted before students board the bus.

Students will meet at the Avenue H entrance near the gymnasium.  The bus will leave at 9:00 am sharp.  Remember to dress appropriately for the weather and experience.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Science 10  |  Balloon Car Races

Today is Test and Modification Day.

Monday – Research and Design
Tuesday – Build and Test Day
Wednesday – Test and Modification Day
Thursday - Race Day


Environmental Science 20 |  Brightwater

Today, the class will travel to Brightwater to study the ecology of the area.

The bus leaves from the Avenue H Gymnasium doors at 9:00 am.


Science 10A  |  Balloon Car Races

Today is Test and Modification Day.

Monday – Research and Design
Tuesday – Build and Test Day
Wednesday – Test and Modification Day
Thursday - Race Day

15 September 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Science 10  |  Balloon Car Races

Students will work in groups of two to build and test their balloon cars.

Monday – Research and Design
Tuesday – Build and Test Day
Wednesday – Test and Modification Day
Thursday - Race Day


Environmental Science 20 |  Earthworm Dissection

Today, the class will complete the active Earthworm Dissection .


Science 10A  |  Balloon Car Races

Students will work in groups of two to build and test their balloon cars.

Monday – Research and Design
Tuesday – Build and Test Day
Wednesday – Test and Modification Day
Thursday - Race Day

12 September 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Science 10  |  Balloon Car Races

Students will work in groups of two to build and race a Balloon Car.  Balloon Cars will:

1.  Be propelled only by air escaping a balloon or balloons
2.  Be able to travel a three meter, straight course
3.  Travel on at least two wheels which rotate with the forward motion of the car

Monday – Research and Design
Tuesday – Build and Test Day
Wednesday – Test and Modification Day
Thursday - Race Day

Due:  Speed, Time, Distance Questions
Answers: Speed, Time, Distance Questions


Environmental Science 20 |  Earthworm Dissection:  Pre-Lab

Today, the class will prepare for tomorrow's Earthworm Dissection by completing the Pre-Lab portion of the lab and watching a video describing the dissection procedure.

Due:   "There's a Hair in My Dirt: A Worm's Story."  Book review


Science 10A  |  Balloon Car Races

Our Science 10A class will engage in a "friendly competition" with  Mr. Clements' period five Science 10A class.  Students will work in groups of two to build and race a Balloon Car.  

There will be two competitions:

     1.  Speed

          For the speed races, balloon cars will:

          i.  Be propelled only by air escaping a balloon or balloons
          ii.  Be able to travel a three meter, straight course
          iii.  Travel on at least two wheels which rotate with the forward motion of the car

     2.  Distance

          For distance races, balloons cars will:

          i.  Be propelled only by air escaping a balloon or balloons
          ii.  Be able to travel a straight course for as great a distance as possible.
          iii.  Travel on at least two wheels which rotate with the forward motion of the car

Monday – Research and Design
Tuesday – Build and Test Day
Wednesday – Test and Modification Day
Thursday - Race Day

Friday, September 12, 2014

Science 10  |  Speed, Time and Distance

Bring your textbook to class.

Students will be given time to complete the questions assigned yesterday.
Assignment:  Page 358-359 (questions 1-10)
Due:  Monday, September 15, 2014


Environmental Science 20 |  Book Review

Today, the class will read the book, "There's a Hair in My Dirt: A Worm's Story."  After you have read this story, Write a review of the book.  In your review, include a description of how a Nature Lover may be different from a person who understands nature.  Also, describe how small, seemingly insignificant organisms such as the earthworm are beneficial to ecosystems.

Due:  Monday, September 15, 2014


Science 10A  |  Speed, Time, Distance . . . in Space

Students will research the information and solve the problems in this document.

Due:  Monday, September 15, 2014

10 September 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Red Mile!

The annual Red Mile walk to SMF Field (formerly Howe Bowl) will begin at 1:45 pm.  Our Bedford Road Redmen Redhawks will take on the Mount Royal Mustangs at 3:00 pm.  Go Redhawks!


Science 10  |  Speed, Time and Distance

Students will compete the following questions based on the concepts introduced yesterday.

Assignment:  Page 358-359 (questions 1-10)


Environmental Science 20 |  Pep Rally

Students will report to their classroom for attendance, then will make their way to the gymnasium for the Pep Rally.


Science 10A  |  Red Mile

There will be no class due to the Red Mile / Football game.

9 September 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Science 10  |  Speed, Time and Distance

I will introduce the class to the relationship between speed, time and distance using this digital presentation.

Bring your textbook to class.

Assignment:  Page 358-359 (questions 1-10)


Environmental Science 20 |  Video

Today, the class will finish watching the video titled "Earth's Climate:  Back to the Future." 

Students will complete this assignment as they watch the video.

Your answers to the video questions and reflection are due tomorrow.


Science 10A  |  Speed, Time and Distance

Students will be given time to complete the questions assigned yesterday.

Assignment:  Page 358-359 (questions 1-10)
Speed, Time, Distance: Answers

8 September 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Science 10  |  Introduction to Motion

The "Infographic: Things That Move" assignment is due today.  Please share it with me before the beginning of class today.

I will use this digital presentation and activity to introduce the terminology related to motion.


Environmental Science 20 |  Video

Today, the class will watch a video titled "Earth's Climate:  Back to the Future."  This video is part three from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Lecture Series, “Changing Planet:  Past, Present, Future.”

Students will complete this assignment as they watch the video.


Science 10A  |  Speed, Time and Distance

I will introduce the class to the relationship between speed, time and distance using this digital presentation.

Bring your textbook to class.

Assignment:  Page 358-359 (questions 1-10)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Science 10  |  Introduction to Motion

Today is the final day to work on the "Things That Move Infographic" assigned on Wednesday.

Assessment Rubric

Due:  Tomorrow


Environmental Science 20 |  Climate Change Terminology

The current events assignment is due today.  Please place your document in my drop-box at the beginning of class today.

In preparation for a video we will watch tomorrow on Climate Change, the students will research terminology related to the Environment and Climate Change.

I will also introduce the class to a Field Experience to Brightwater Centre scheduled for Wednesday, September 17, 2014.  The parental / guardian consent form must be signed and returned to me before Tuesday, September 16, 2014.


Science 10A  |  Introduction to Motion

The "Infographic: Things That Move" assignment is due today.  Please share it with me before the beginning of class today.

I will use this digital presentation and activity to introduce the terminology related to motion.

5 September 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Science 10  |  Introduction to Motion

I will allow time to complete the "Things That Move Infographic" assigned on Wednesday.

Assessment Rubric

Due:  Monday, September 8, 2014


Environmental Science 20 |  Environmental Science in Current Events

I will allow time to complete this assignment.

Due Date:  Monday, September 8, 2014


Science 10A  |  Introduction to Motion

I will allow time to complete the "Things That Move Infographic" assigned on Wednesday.

Assessment Rubric

Due:  Monday, September 8, 2014

3 September 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Science 10  |  Introduction to Motion

Infographic:  Things that Move

As an introduction to our first concept of Motion, students will research the characteristics of an object that moves.  Research the following:

1.  Basic shape and structure of the object
2.  The forces acting upon the object in motion
3.  What makes the object move
4.  Interesting information about the object such as top speed or acceleration rates.

Students will create an Infographic using the free web application at http://piktochart.com/ to summarize their findings related to their selected object that moves.  I have included links to a couple of Infographics:

Camera vs. Smartphone Infographic
History of Game Controllers

Assessment Rubric

Due:  Monday, September 8, 2014


Environmental Science 20 |  Environmental Science in Current Events

Students will begin working on this assignment.

Due Date:  Monday, September 8, 2014


Science 10A  |  Introduction to Motion

Infographic:  Things that Move

As an introduction to our first concept of Motion, students will research the characteristics of an object that moves.  Research the following:

1.  Basic shape and structure of the object
2.  The forces acting upon the object in motion
3.  What makes the object move
4.  Interesting information about the object such as top speed or acceleration rates.

Students will create an Infographic using the free web application at http://piktochart.com/ to summarize their findings related to their selected object that moves.  I have included links to a couple of Infographics:

Camera vs. Smartphone Infographic
History of Game Controllers

Assessment Rubric

Due:  Monday, September 8, 2014

2 September 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Science 10  |  Introduction and Course Outline

In preparation for activities this semester, students will agree to a Computer Stewardship Contract.   Once this document is reviewed and signed, the class will be introduced to the Science 10 Course Outline.  Fun stuff. 

If we have time, I will introduce our first activity:

Infographic:  Things that Move

As an introduction to our first concept of Motion, students will research the characteristics of an object that moves.  Research the following:

1.  Basic shape and structure of the object
2.  The forces acting upon the object in motion
3.  What makes the object move
4.  Interesting information about the object such as top speed or acceleration rates.

Students will create an Infographic using the free web application at http://piktochart.com/ to summarize their findings related to their selected object that moves.  I have included links to a couple of Infographics:

Camera vs. Smartphone Infographic
History of Game Controllers

Assessment Rubric

Due:  Monday, September 8, 2014


Environmental Science 20 |  Introduction and Course Outline

In preparation for activities this semester, students will agree to a Computer Stewardship Contract.   Once this document is reviewed and signed, the class will be introduced to the Environmental Science 20 Course Outline.  Fascinating.

Environmental Science 20 Outcomes

If we have time, I will introduce our first activity.


Science 10A  |  Introduction and Course Outline

In preparation for activities this semester, students will agree to a Computer Stewardship Contract.   Once this document is reviewed and signed, the class will be introduced to the Science 10 Advanced Course Outline.  I'm bored just typing the previous sentence. 

 If we have time, I will introduce our first activity:

Infographic:  Things that Move

As an introduction to our first concept of Motion, students will research the characteristics of an object that moves.  Research the following:

1.  Basic shape and structure of the object
2.  The forces acting upon the object in motion
3.  What makes the object move
4.  Interesting information about the object such as top speed or acceleration rates.

Students will create an Infographic using the free web application at http://piktochart.com/ to summarize their findings related to their selected object that moves.  I have included links to a couple of Infographics:

Camera vs. Smartphone Infographic
History of Game Controllers

Assessment Rubric

Due:  Monday, September 8, 2014