8 September 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Science 10  |  Introduction to Motion

The "Infographic: Things That Move" assignment is due today.  Please share it with me before the beginning of class today.

I will use this digital presentation and activity to introduce the terminology related to motion.


Environmental Science 20 |  Video

Today, the class will watch a video titled "Earth's Climate:  Back to the Future."  This video is part three from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Lecture Series, “Changing Planet:  Past, Present, Future.”

Students will complete this assignment as they watch the video.


Science 10A  |  Speed, Time and Distance

I will introduce the class to the relationship between speed, time and distance using this digital presentation.

Bring your textbook to class.

Assignment:  Page 358-359 (questions 1-10)

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