12 September 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Science 10  |  Balloon Car Races

Students will work in groups of two to build and race a Balloon Car.  Balloon Cars will:

1.  Be propelled only by air escaping a balloon or balloons
2.  Be able to travel a three meter, straight course
3.  Travel on at least two wheels which rotate with the forward motion of the car

Monday – Research and Design
Tuesday – Build and Test Day
Wednesday – Test and Modification Day
Thursday - Race Day

Due:  Speed, Time, Distance Questions
Answers: Speed, Time, Distance Questions


Environmental Science 20 |  Earthworm Dissection:  Pre-Lab

Today, the class will prepare for tomorrow's Earthworm Dissection by completing the Pre-Lab portion of the lab and watching a video describing the dissection procedure.

Due:   "There's a Hair in My Dirt: A Worm's Story."  Book review


Science 10A  |  Balloon Car Races

Our Science 10A class will engage in a "friendly competition" with  Mr. Clements' period five Science 10A class.  Students will work in groups of two to build and race a Balloon Car.  

There will be two competitions:

     1.  Speed

          For the speed races, balloon cars will:

          i.  Be propelled only by air escaping a balloon or balloons
          ii.  Be able to travel a three meter, straight course
          iii.  Travel on at least two wheels which rotate with the forward motion of the car

     2.  Distance

          For distance races, balloons cars will:

          i.  Be propelled only by air escaping a balloon or balloons
          ii.  Be able to travel a straight course for as great a distance as possible.
          iii.  Travel on at least two wheels which rotate with the forward motion of the car

Monday – Research and Design
Tuesday – Build and Test Day
Wednesday – Test and Modification Day
Thursday - Race Day

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