19 September 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Science 10  |  Speed Trap Lab

What percentage of cars are speeding in the school zone surrounding Bedford Road Collegiate in a 10 minute time period.

In groups of three or four, the class will use the scientific method to answer this problem.  Today, groups will formulate a procedure to follow to answer this problem.  Tomorrow, the groups will go outdoors to collect data.  Once data is compiled, the class will go back to the classroom to analyze the data and start the formal lab write up.

Formal Lab Write Up
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab


Environmental Science 20 |  Island Green

On Monday, October 6th, the class will take part in a National Film Board Virtual Classroom titled, Our Food Systems - Are You Hungry for Change?.   This virtual experience will enable 
Canadian students to get together and talk about the impact that modern food systems might be having on our health, land and food security.

Environmentalist and broadcaster Dr. David Suzuki will be joined by J.B. MacKinnon, Utcha Sawyers, and Tanya Davis, whose compelling poem appears in the NFB film Island Green, a look at conventional and organic farming on Prince Edward Island.

Today, to prepare for this experience, students will watch the film Island Green.  After watching the film, students will have a chance to prepare and submit challenging questions for David, J. B. and Utcha.  A select group of students from across Canada will be chosen to ask their questions directly to the panel during the live virtual classroom event. 

Earthworm Dissection:  Due Today


Science 10A  |  Speed Trap Lab

What percentage of cars are speeding in the school zone surrounding Bedford Road Collegiate in a 10 minute time period.

In groups of three or four, the class will use the scientific method to answer this problem.  Today, groups will formulate a procedure to follow to answer this problem.  Tomorrow, the groups will go outdoors to collect data.  Once data is compiled, the class will go back to the classroom to analyze the data and start the formal lab write up.

Formal Lab Write Up
Assessment: Scientific Method Lab

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