7 February 2017

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Teacher - Learner Conferences and Report Distribution occur today.  

⬅ Wednesday class schedule. 


Science 11 / 21 | Teacher-Learner Conferences

Please meet in the classroom at 11:40 am today.  Report Cards will be given out during Teacher-Learner Conferences.  A copy of the Interview Schedule can be found on my classroom door.


Health Science 20 | History of Medicine

I will use this digital presentation to discuss the History of Medicine.


Science 9A | Introduction to Matter

I will use this digital presentation to discuss the Properties of Matter.

Gum Lab:  Due Tomorrow

I will set up a Canvas Page for students to digitally submit assignments.  Please send me an email requesting an invitation to the Science 9A Canvas Page.


Environmental Science 20 | Climate Change: Background Information

Students will complete this assignment related to the terminology of Climate Change.

Due:  Today

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