8 February 2017

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Science 11 / 21 | Measurement

I discuss the procedures for finding the volume of various objects.

How to Measure
How to Measure (Data Collection)


Health Science 20 | Medical Pioneers

I will complete my introduction of the History of Medicine.  When finished, students will begin this assignment.  Students will work either as individuals or in pairs.  Each group will research a different medical pioneer.  

Due:  TBD


Science 9A | Introduction to Matter

I will review how to submit the Gum Lab using Canvas.  Once complete, I will discuss the The Properties of Matter .

Course Join Code: 4YW9K6


Environmental Science 20 | Climate Change Lecture

Today, the class will watch a video titled "Earth's Climate:  Back to the Future."  This video is part three from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Lecture Series, “Changing Planet:  Past, Present, Future.”

Students will complete this assignment as they watch the video.

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