30 January 2017

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Semester Two begins today.  
The day will begin at 8:50 am in your Period Two classroom.


Science 11 / 21  |  Registration and Course Outline

I will start the day with some boring registration stuff.  Sorry.

Computer Stewardship Contract
Science 11/ 21 Course Outline


Health Science 20 |  Introduction and Course Outline

In preparation for activities this semester, students will agree to a Computer Stewardship Contract.   Once this document is reviewed and signed, the class will be introduced to the Health Science 20 Course Outline.  Fascinating.

Computer Stewardship Contract
Health Science 20 Course Outline

If I have time, I may introduce the first assignment related to  Health Care Philosophies and Ethics.



Science 9A |  Introduction and Course Outline

In preparation for activities this semester, students will agree to a Computer Stewardship Contract.   Once this document is reviewed and signed, the class will be introduced to the Science 9A Course Outline.  Yup.

Computer Stewardship Contract
Science 9A Course Outline


Envrionmental Science 20 |  Introduction and Course Outline

Computers.  Course Outline.  Maybe first assignment based on Environmental Science Current Events.

Due:  TBD

Computer Stewardship Contract
Environmental Science 20 Course Outline

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