15 November 2016

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Science 9  |  Static Electricity Lab / Electrical Current

1.  Students who have not completed the Static Electricity Lab, will do so today.  

     This Lab is due tomorrow.

2.  Students will use independent research to learn about Electrical Current.

     Textbook Reading: p. 235 - 244

     Textbook Questions: p. 244 (#1, 3, 7-10)

     Questions and Answers will be submitted for assessment tomorrow.

Grade Nine students will participate in the "Healthy Minds Matter" Conference this morning.


Environmental Science 20 |  Loraas Recycling

Students will travel to the Loraas Recycling Centre to witness the contents of our Blue Bins be sorted and processed.  We will travel by bus.  Please meet at the Avenue H Gym Doors at 8:50 am.  The bus will leave at 9:00 am and return us to school by 12:00 noon.

Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council


Health Science 20 |  Documentary:  The Truth About Fat

Students will watch the BBC Documentary, "The Truth About Fat."  Content learned from this documentary will be used in an upcoming project related to Nutrition and Metabolism.


Science 10  |  Populations

Students will learn about the populations of species.

Swift Fox Case Study
Collaborative Notes

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