16 November 2016

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Science 9  |  Static Electricity Lab / Electrical Current

1.  Students who have not completed the Static Electricity Lab, will do so today.  
     This Lab is due today

2.  Students will use independent research to learn about Electrical Current.

     Textbook Reading: p. 235 - 244
     Textbook Questions: p. 244 (#1, 3, 7-10)

     Questions and Answers will be submitted for assessment tomorrow.


Environmental Science 20 |  The Aral Sea Crisis

Students will examine the environmental influence of humans on the Aral Sea area of Central Asia.  Students will watch the video link below, as well as the videos listed on the second page of the assignment description.  

Afterwards, students will complete this assignment:

Assignment: Aral Sea Crisis Investigation

Due:  TBD


Health Science 20 |  Calories

We will discuss the concept of the "Calorie" and calculate the caloric content of foods.

Nutrition Calculations


Science 10  |  Nutrient Cycles

Students will learn about natural nutrient cycles in nature.

WebPath Express

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