4 February 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Science 10  |  Compounds and Chemical Formulas

I will introduce the concept of Compounds and Chemical Formulas.

Assignment:  Chemical Formulas
Answers:  Chemical Formulas - Answers


Environmental Science 20 |  Current Events in Environmental Science

Today is the final class period to work on this assignment
This assignment will be assessed on a Four Point Performance Task Writing Rubric.

Due Date:  Monday, February 9, 2015


Health Science 20 |  Introduction and Course Outline

Today is the final class period to work on the Health Care Philosophies and Ethics assignment.  This assignment will be assessed on a Four Point Performance Task Writing Rubric.

Due Date:  Monday, February 9, 2015


Science 9 |  The Metric System

I will review the Metric System using this digital presentation.  

Assignment:  Metric Conversion Practice

Due:  Gum Lab

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