9 June 2019

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

 Environmental Science 20 | Student Directed Final Investigation  

Create and carry out a plan to explore one or more topics of personal interest relevant to Environmental Science 20 in depth. 
Student Directed Final Project
Step One Due:  Today
Final Submission Due:  Monday, June 17, 2019

Environmental Science 20:  Outcomes and Indicators

 Science 10 | Acceleration     

Investigate and represent the motion of objects that undergo acceleration.
Students will attempt to meet the above Course Outcome by writing the Acceleration Quiz.

Acceleration Practice
Acceleration Practice:  Answers

 Science 9 IB | Outcome Enhancement  

I will describe the process of Outcome Enhancement.

Outcome Enhancement:  Science 9
Science 9:  Course Outcomes and Indicators

 Science 9 |  Space Quiz  

Earth and Space Science: Exploring our Universe
EU9.1Inquire into the motion and characteristics of astronomical bodies in our solar system and the universe.
EU9.2Analyze scientific explanations of the formation and evolution of our solar system and the universe.
EU9.3Examine how various cultures, past and present, including First Nations and Métis, understand and represent astronomical phenomenon.
EU9.4Analyze human capabilities for exploring and understanding the universe, including technologies and programs that support such exploration.

Students will provide evidence toward meeting the above Course Outcomes.

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