6 March 2017

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Science 11 / 21 | The Periodic Table

Students will familiarize themselves with the Periodic Table by participating in these activities.

Word Find Elements


Health Science 20 | Introduction to Human Anatomy

Students will use this document to familiarize themselves with Human Body Terminology. Students will complete this worksheet to reinforce their understanding of Human Body Terminology.

Due:  Monday, March 13, 2017


Science 9A | 
Atomic Models

Students will become aware of the different historical Models of the Atom.  Working as an individual, students will research the scientific background and contributions of one of the following historically significant individuals:
  • John Dalton
  • J.J. Thomson
  • Ernest Rutherford
  • Neils Bohr
Students may use page 152-153 in their textbook as a reference.

On Tuesday, March 14, 2017, each student will present their findings to a small group of their peers.  

Assessment Rubric


Environmental Science 20 | Work Period

Students will use this class period to complete  The Earthworm Dissection.

Due:  Wednesday, March 8, 2017

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