28 February 2017

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Science 11 / 21 | Density

I will review the Density Problems.  The completed document will be handed in for marks.


Health Science 20 | Wellness and Health Care Trends

I will discuss current Wellness and Health care Trends.


Science 9A | 
Reactions Lab

I will discuss The Reactions Lab .

Due:  Today Tomorrow


Environmental Science 20 | Book Review

Today, the class will read the book, "There's a Hair in My Dirt: A Worm's Story."  After you have read this story, Write a review of the book.  In your review, include a description of how a Nature Lover may be different from a person who understands nature.  Also, describe how small, seemingly insignificant organisms such as the earthworm are beneficial to ecosystems.  Please submit your completed review to the Canvas Page.

Due:  Thursday, March 2, 2017

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