6 February 2017

Monday, February 6, 2017

Science 11 / 21  |  Measurement

We will continue the measurement activity from last week.  


Health Science 20 | Philosophies and Ethics

I will allow time to complete the  Health Care Philosophies and Ethics assignment.  When finished, please submit to the Canvas Page.  If you have not signed up for the canvas page, please email me and I will send you an invitation.

Due:  Today

Science 9A |  Gum Lab

I will allow time to make revisions to your Gum Labs.  Please refer to Friday's conversation regarding the components of a Formal Lab Write Up.

Due:  Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Envrionmental Science 20 |  Current Events

Students will complete the Environmental Science Current Events assignment.  When finished, please submit to the Canvas Page.  If you have not signed up for the canvas page, please email me and I will send you an invitation.

Due:  Today

If students have completed the Environmental Science Current Events assignment, they may begin this assignment related to Climate Change Terminology.

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