10 January 2017

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Science 9  |  Cells and Mitosis

I will use this handout to review the role and structure of cells and describe the process of the Cell Cycle.

Answers:  Cell Diagrams

Due: Space Research and Exploration Project  


Environmental Science 20 |  Student Directed Final Project

Students will continue the Student Directed Final Project.

Step Three Due:  Thursday


Health Science 20 |  Student Directed Final Project

Students will continue the Student Directed Final Project.

Step Three Due:  Thursday


Science 10  |  Balloon Car Races

Students will work in groups of two to build and race a Balloon Car.  Balloon Cars will:

1.  Be propelled only by air escaping a balloon or balloons
2.  Be able to travel a three meter, straight course
3.  Travel on at least two wheels which rotate with the forward motion of the car

Today – Build and Test Day
Monday – Test and Modification Day
Tuesday - Race Day

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