28 November 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Science 9  |  Electricity

Students can do one of two things today:

  1. Complete the Circuit Construction Lab.  This lab is due today.
  2. Learn about Measuring Current and Voltage.  Students may use the laptops to complete the "Student Researched Theory" on page two.


Environmental Science 20 |  Classification Lab

Students will begin the Classification Lab.

Due:  TBD


Health Science 20 |  Nutrition and Metabolism Project 

Students will organize data for the Nutrition and Metabolism Project introduced last week.


Science 10  |  Introduction to Chemistry

Students may use today's class to complete the following:

  1. Any un-submitted assessment pieces for Mr. Hrycay.  Specifically, the "Cycles of Nature Infographic."  
  2.  The Pre-Unit Chemistry Quiz.  introduced yesterday.

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