4 November 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016

Science 9  |  Electricity

I will discuss Electricity using this digital presentation.  Students will also complete an assignment relating to the Electric Nature of Matter.


Environmental Science 20 |  Crayfish Dissection

Today, students will complete the active Crayfish Dissection  .  

Also . . .

 . . . students will travel to Loraas Disposal's Saskatoon Recycling Plant on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.  The Parent / Guardian Consent Form must be returned by Tuesday, November 15th.

Consent Form


Health Science 20 |  See Your Future Career Fair

Students will participate in the See Your Future Career Fair.  Meet in the classroom at 1:10 pm.  The bus will leave for the Fair at 1:20 pm.



Science 10  |  Biodiversity

Using the Presentation "Biodiversity and Biomes," students will contribute information to the Class Collaboration Notes.

Biodiversity and Biomes
Collaboration Notes

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