25 October 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Science 9  |  Matter / Chemistry Review

Students will write a Matter / Chemistry Exam on Friday.  Today, students will assess their understanding of the concepts introduced by completing the review document below.

Chemistry:  The Review


Environmental Science 20 | Aquatic Sampling Experience 

The class will travel to Brightwater today to collect data for the Aquatic Sampling Lab.  Please meet inside the BRIT / Gymnasium at 8:50 am.  

The bus will leave from the Avenue H Gymnasium doors at 9:00 am.  The weather forecast is for a temperature in the mid single digits with no rain.  Please dress appropriately.  We are planning to eat lunch on site (see below) and return back to Bedford Road at 12:50 pm.

Lunch:  I am supplying wieners, buns, ketchup, mustard, and marshmallows.  Feel free to bring any other food which can be cooked / heated over an open fire.


Health Science 20 |  Pathogens 

Today, the class will begin to research Pathogens.

Students will begin this assignment in which they will create a graphic novel to illustrate their understanding of pathogens as related to the human body.  Students will use the application Comic Life to create their graphic novel.

Citation Information
How to Cite Your Work

Comic Life Introduction
Comic Book Definitions
Comic Book Scripting

Due:  TBD

Due Today:  Rat Dissection 


Science 10  |  Atmosphere and Greenhouse Effects

Students will have a work period to break down and digest the last two lessons of information. 

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