18 October 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Science 9  |  Atomic Models

Students will become aware of the different historical Models of the Atom.  Working as an individual, or in a partner group, students will research the scientific background and contributions of one of the following historically significant individuals:

  • John Dalton
  • J.J. Thomson
  • Ernest Rutherford
  • Neils Bohr

On Tuesday, October 25th, each students group will present their findings to a small group of their peers.  

Models of the Atom: Assessment Rubric


Environmental Science 20 | Documentary:  Island Green

Today, students will watch the documentary film "Island Green."  This film documents agricultural practices on Prince Edward Island, famous for potatoes and red dirt.  I know, seems boring.  But, Prince Edward Island has seen an abnormal rise in cancer and respiratory illness in the last 50 years.  Coincidence?

Understanding Fertilizer Numbers
A Homeowners Guide to Fertilizer


Health Science 20 |  Active Rat Dissection - Day One


Science 10  |  Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics

Mr. Hrycay will become the lead educator as students will begin to understand Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics.

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