20 October 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Science 9  |  Atomic Models

Students will become aware of the different historical Models of the Atom.  Working as an individual, or in a partner group, students will research the scientific background and contributions of one of the following historically significant individuals:

  • John Dalton
  • J.J. Thomson
  • Ernest Rutherford
  • Neils Bohr

On Tuesday, October 25th, each students group will present their findings to a small group of their peers.  


Environmental Science 20 | Soil Health

Students are tasked with comparing a sample of purchased "Potting Soil" with the soil from Mr. Lewchuk's garden.  Students will then determine if Mr. Lewchuk's garden soil is "healthy."  Students will gather data using the soil testing kits provided, then submit a written summary of their findings.  These findings will include:

  1. Levels of essential nutrients in each type of soil
  2. Amount of essential nutrients in "perfect" garden soil
  3. pH level of each soil
  4. ph level of "perfect" garden soil
  5. physical description of each type of soil
  6. physical description of "perfect" garden soil

The written summary will be submitted to the Canvas Page.

Due:  TBD


Health Science 20 |  Active Rat Dissection

Day Two.  Students may use the Virtual Rat Dissection Guide to fill in any learning gaps left from the active dissection.

Virtual Rat Dissection Guide


Science 10  |  Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics

Mr. Hrycay will become the lead educator as students will begin to understand Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics.

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