13 October 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Science 9  |  Atomic Theory

I will use this digital presentation to introduce the class to Atomic Theory.


Environmental Science 20 |  Academic Assembly

Students will meet in the classroom.  After attendance is taken, we will venture to the gymnasium for the Academic Assembly.


Health Science 20 |  Body Systems

Students will learn about the various body systems within the human body by completing the activity and e-worksheet at the following link.  The e-worksheet will be completed in a word document and submitted to the Canvas Page.


Due:  Monday, October 24, 2016

Due Today:  Anatomical Worksheet 


Science 10  |  Preparation for Motion Exam

Students will complete the following textbook questions in preparation for the Motion Exam, which students will write tomorrow.

Textbook Pages 410-411
Questions #6-15

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