14 October 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

Science 9  |  Elements and Atomic Theory / Ions

Students will complete the assignment from Friday.

Assignment:  Elements and Atomic Theory
Answers:  Elements and Atomic Theory

Students will also learn about Ions.

PowerPoint Presentation
Reinforcement of Learning
Answers to Reinforcement of Learning


Environmental Science 20 | Survival: Time Travel Edition

Students will complete the assignment from Friday.

Due:  Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Health Science 20 |  Rat Dissection Pre-Lab Investigation

Students will examine the body systems of a mammal by completing the Rat Dissection.   

Today, students will complete the Pre-Lab Investigation.  Students will also watch two videos illustrating the dissection procedure.


Science 10  |  Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics

Mr. Hrycay will become the lead educator as students will begin to understand Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics.

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