29 April 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Science 10  |  Ecosystems:  Food Webs

Students will continue the Ecosystems Project.  Part One should be completed by the end of class on today.

Due:  Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Environmental Science 20 |  Work Period

Students will use today's class period to complete assignment which have not been submitted.  Suggestions include:

1.  Aral Sea Crisis
2.  Soil Health Investigation
3.  Brightwater Field Guide 


Health Science 20 |  Pathogens 

Students will complete this assignment in which they will create a graphic novel to illustrate their understanding of pathogens as related to the human body.  When complete, groups will submit their completed Comic File to me via the dropbox or email.

Due: Today

Science 9 |   Electrical Vocabulary

Students will complete this assignment:

Electrical Vocabulary

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