14 April 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Science 10  |  Species at Risk

Species at Risk Graphic Novel

Students will continue this assignment.  Remember to include a citation page at the end of your graphic novel.

Due:  Monday, April 20, 2015


Environmental Science 20 |  Documentary Wednesday

As an examination of how we use the land and plants around us, we will watch a documentary titled, "Fruit Hunters:  Evolution of Desire."

Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden
Miami Rare Fruit Council International
Growing Avocado Trees


Health Science 20 |  Rat Dissection 

Today, students will begin the active Rat Dissection.  This investigation will take two days to complete.


Science 9 |  Models of the Atom

Atomic Model Presentations will occur today.

Here is an assessment rubric for this assignment.

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