1 April 2015

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Science 10  |  Species at Risk


Species at Risk Graphic Novel

Students will begin this assignment, in which they will create a graphic novel intended to alert the public about the plight of a Canadian Specie at Risk.  Students will use the application Comic Life to create their graphic novel.

Comic Life Introduction
Comic Book Definitions
Comic Book Scripting


Environmental Science 20 |  The Aral Sea Crisis

Students will continue to examine the environmental influence of humans on the Aral Sea area of Central Asia.

Assignment: Aral Sea Crisis Investigation

Due:  Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Health Science 20 |  Body Systems

Students will learn about the various body systems within the human body by completing the activity and e-worksheet at the following link.  The e-worksheet will be completed in a word document and submitted to the Canvas Page.


Due:  Today

Science 9 |  Models of the Atom

Student groups will continue to research scientists who have contributed to our knowledge of the atom

Here is an assessment rubric for this assignment.

Presentations will occur in class on Wednesday, April 15, 2015

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