26 February 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Science 10  |  The pH Scale

Please bring your textbook to class today

Textbook Reading p. 296-298
Textbook Questions p. 299 (1-7)

The questions will be submitted tomorrow for assessment.


Environmental Science 20 |  Earthworm Dissection:  Post Lab

The class will complete the Earthworm Dissection post lab.

Earthworm Dissection Spot Test:  Friday, February 27, 2015
Lab Write up Due:  Friday, February 27, 2015


Health Science 20 |  Biography of a Medical Pioneer

Today is the final day to complete and submit this assignment.

Due:  Today


Science 9 |  More Metric Conversion and Measurement Practice

The class will write a Metric Conversion and Measurement Quiz on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.  To prepare, students will complete the handout titled "Metric Mania: Conversion Challenge."  On the quiz, students will be asked to measure mass, volume and distances using devices such as Vernier calipers, graduated cylinders, beakers and balance scales.  Students may use peer teaching to confirm their understanding of the use of these objects, which are located on the table in the front of the classroom.

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