14 January 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Science 10  |  Polyatomic Compounds

I will discuss the concept of Polyatomic Compounds.

Assignment:  Polyatomic Compounds
Answers:  Polyatomic Compounds


Environmental Science 20 |  Research for Final Project

I will speak to all students regarding their Student Directed Project Outline.


Science 10A  |  Student Directed Project.

Students will continue research for their Student Directed Project .

Presentation Order:

1. Amna K.
2. Sean dH.
3. Revathi N.
4. Tony B

1. Ellen W.
2. Talha A.
3. Horace L.

1. Mohsin H.
2. Erika D.
3. Jacan H.
4. Daniel M.

1. Katerina S.
2. Serena P.

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