4 November 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Science 10  |  Species at Risk Graphic Novel

Students will begin this assignment, in which they will create a graphic novel intended to alert the public about the plight of a Canadian Specie at Risk.  Students will use the application Comic Life to create their graphic novel.

Comic Life Introduction
Comic Book Definitions
Comic Book Scripting

APA Citation Guide


Environmental Science 20 |  Aquatic Survey Summary

I will allow time to students to complete their analysis of the Aquatic Sampling Experience from last Tuesday.

Due:  Thursday, November 6, 2014


Science 10A  |  Sustainability

I will review the concepts and terminology associated with Ecology and Sustainability.  When I am done, students will start the following individual writing task:

Students will write an Ecological Summary of Humans on Earth from one of two perspectives:
    1. An existing species on Earth
    2. An alien species viewing Earth
This assignment will be assessed using a Four Point Performance Task Writing Rubric.

Due:  Friday, November 7, 2014

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