6 November 2014

Friday, November 7, 2014

Today is a Special Events Schedule due to the Remembrance Day Ceremony at 11:25 am.

Period One   8:50 am to 9:35 am
Period Two   9:40 am to 10:30 am
Period Three  10:40 am to 11:25 am
Remembrance Day Ceremony  11:25 am to 12:20 pm
Period Four   1:10 pm to 2:15 pm
Period Five   2:20 pm to 3:25 pm


Science 10  |  Species at Risk Graphic Novel

Students will continue this assignment, which they started on Wednesday.

Due:  Friday, November 14, 2014


Environmental Science 20 |  Crayfish Dissection

Students will complete the pre-lab examination of the Crayfish.  We will also watch a video describing the dissection process.


Science 10A  |  Species at Risk Graphic Novel

Extinction and Species at Risk

Students will begin this assignment, in which they will create a graphic novel intended to alert the public about the plight of a Canadian Specie at Risk.  Students will use the application Comic Life to create their graphic novel.

Comic Life Introduction
Comic Book Definitions
Comic Book Scripting

APA Citation Guide

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