7 October 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Science 10  |  Acceleration

Students will complete the textbook questions related to Acceleration

p. 388-389 (1-14)


Environmental Science 20 |  Survival:  Time Travel Edition

Today's assignment will be based on our Brightwater Experience from Monday and a belief in science fiction:

Through the miracle of Time Travel, you have been relocated to the Brightwater site in the year 1514.  As you awaken from the time travel experience, a voice says that if you stay within 10 km of this location, you will be transported back to the year 2014 in exactly 364 days.  Write a detailed story on how you will survive the next 364 days.  An assumption is that you will not come in contact with any other humans for the next 364 days.

Due:  Thursday, October 9, 2014


Science 10A  |  Motion Review

Students will complete the "Motion Review" Assignment from yesterday.  If completed, students may work in small groups to experiment with the Go Motion Probe Ware introduced on Friday.

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